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Let's prompt a song!

ZappGPT – Das KI-Serienrätsel (Folge 28)

14. August 2024, 07:48 Uhr


Mittwoch ist „ZappGPT“-Time! Also aufgepasst und Konzentration: Erratet ihr, was wir in dieser Woche suchen?

INFO: Bei „ZappGPT“ gibt’s jeden Mittwoch ein neues kleines Serien-Rätsel! Dabei haben wir uns mit einer KI zusammengetan, um Bilder oder Texte erstellen und euch raten zu lassen, worum es in unserem Prompt wohl ging.

Das KI-Rätsel

Ich habe ChatGPT gebeten, einen Songtext zu einer Serie zu schreiben. Erkennt ihr, um welche Serie sich der Song dreht? Die Auflösung gibt es wie immer nächste Woche.

Verse 1
In a city dressed in gold, where the lights never fade,
She walks through the streets like a runway parade.
Every corner’s a canvas, every day a new show,
With a flair for the bold and a mind on the go.

She’s got the eye, the vision so clear,
Turning heads, making moves without fear.
From the office to the streets, she owns the scene,
A queen in the world of fashion and dreams.

In the heart of the city, where the stories are told,
She crafts her world in hues so bold.
Marketing magic in every stride,
She’s painting the town with style as her guide.

Verse 2
From couture to campaigns, she’s shaping the trend,
Finding beauty in the mix, making brands transcend.
With every post and every share, she’s setting the tone,
In a world of innovation, she’s carving her throne.

She’s got the eye, the vision so clear,
Turning heads, making moves without fear.
From the office to the streets, she owns the scene,
A queen in the world of fashion and dreams.

In the heart of the city, where the stories are told,
She crafts her world in hues so bold.
Marketing magic in every stride,
She’s painting the town with style as her guide.

Verse 3
The city’s her playground, where she dares to create,
Blending fashion and flair, with the power to captivate.
Her path is uncharted, but the future’s so bright,
She’s the spark in the dark, bringing visions to light.

She’s got the eye, the vision so clear,
Turning heads, making moves without fear.
From the office to the streets, she owns the scene,
A queen in the world of fashion and dreams.

In the heart of the city, where the stories are told,
She crafts her world in hues so bold.
Marketing magic in every stride,
She’s painting the town with style as her guide.

Die Auflösung zu Folge 27

Letzte Woche hat Jonas eine Serie gesucht, die aktuell wieder an Relevanz gewonnen hat. Die Lösung zu seinem Bilderrätsel lautet:

„The Americans“
Autor:innen gesucht


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