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Season 1 [TRAILER] | Helix | SYFY

Also ich habe echt keine Ahnung, was hier abgeht, aber es fühlt sich total gut nach „Akte X“ an. Zumindest, was den Mystery-Part angeht. Was ja auch Sinn macht, sind doch schließlich die Produzenten die selben. Vermutlich sind da auch noch irgendwie Aliens dabei und sowieso halte ich nach „Battlestar Galactica“ (wenn man das Ende ignoriert) total viel von Ron Moore. Hier mal mehr Synopsis:

„Helix“ is an intense thriller about a team of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control who travel to a high-tech research facility in the Arctic to investigate a possible disease outbreak, only to find themselves pulled into a terrifying life-and-death struggle that may hold the key to mankind’s salvation or total annihilation. However, the lethal threat is just the tip of the iceberg, and as the virus evolves, the chilling truth begins to unravel.
Billy Campbell stars as Dr. Alan Farragut, leader of the Centers for Disease Control outbreak field team called upon to investigate and control a potential „hot zone“ at a remote Arctic research facility. Hiroyuki Sanada plays Dr. Hiroshi Hataki, director of the outpost and its mysterious viral research program. The show also stars Kyra Zagorsky as Dr. Julia Walker, Mark Ghanimé as Major Sergio Balleseros, Jordan Hayes as Dr. Sarah Jordan, Meegwun Fairbrother as Daniel Aerov, Catherine Lemieux as Dr. Doreen Boyle and Neil Napier as Dr. Peter Farragut.

Am 10. Januar startet die Serie auf SyFy(-lis – höhö), was ich mir schon mal in den Kalender geschrieben habe. (via)

Beitrag von:
Freitag, 8. November 2013, 12:20 Uhr
HelixNeue Serien


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