„Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!“ (Rick Sanchez)
Schön, dass Ihr auch heute das Türchen von unserem sAWEntskalender öffnet und reinschaut, was für großartige Zitate wir für Euch gesammelt haben. Und natürlich, ob und welcher Buchstabe sich heute hier versteckt. Aber an erster Stelle stehen diese wunderbaren Zitate. Die einfach in jeder Lebenssituation passen.
„Oh yeah, you gotta get schwifty.“ (Rick Sanchez)
Herzlich willkommen zur schrägen Rick and Morty-Edition. Wunderbare Serie! Hach und soviele tolle Lebensweisheiten. Es könnte alles so einfach sein – wenn wir doch nur alle ein wenig mehr wie Rick wären… Schließlich wüssten wir dann, wie der Hase läuft und müssten nur noch mit unserem viel zu großen Ego klarkommen.
Lebensweisheiten von Rick
„Sometimes science is more art than science, Morty. A lot of people don’t get that.“ (Rick Sanchez)
„I hate to bust your bubble, Morty, but love is a chemical reaction that compels animals to mate. It hits hard, then slowly fades leaving you floundering in a failing marriage. Break the cycle, Morty! Focus on Science.“ (Rick Sanchez)
„When Smart people get happy they stop recognizing themselves.“ (Rick Sanchez)
„What about the reality where Hitler cured cancer, Morty? The answer is: Don’t think about it.“ (Rick Sanchez)
„I’ll tell you how I feel about school, Jerry: it’s a waste of time. Bunch of people runnin‘ around bumpin‘ into each other, got a guy up front says, ‚2 + 2‘ and the people in the back say ‚4‘. Then the bell rings and they give you a carton of milk and a piece of paper that says you can go take a dump or somethin‘. I mean, it’s not a place for smart people, Jerry. I know that’s not a popular opinion, but that’s my two cents on the issue.“ (Rick Sanchez)
„He’s not pressing charges… That’s gotta be the „you shot me“ equivalent of not being mad.“ (Rick Sanchez)
Rick & sein Ego
„You’re not gonna believe this, because it usually never happens, but I made a mistake.“ (Rick Sanchez)
„Who cares, Morty? Global acts of terrorism happen every day. Uh, here’s something that’s never happened before: I’m a pickle. I’m Pickle Rick!“ (Rick Sanchez)
„Like nothing shady ever happened in a fully furnished office? You ever hear about Wall Street, Morty? You know what those guys do in their fancy board rooms? They take their balls and dip ‚em in cocaine and wipe ‚em all over each other. You know, Grandpa goes around and he does his business in public because grandpa isn’t shady.“ (Rick Sanchez)
Rick and Family
„I’m sorry, Morty. It’s a bummer. In reality you’re as dumb as they come.“ (Rick Sanchez)
„I’m sorry Summer, your opinion means very little to me.“ (Rick Sanchez)
Therapist: „Why didn’t you want to come here?“
Rick: „Because I don’t respect therapy. Because I’m a Scientist. Because I invent, transform, create and destroy for a living and when I don’t like something about the world I change it. And I don’t think going to some rented office in a strip mall to listen to an Agent of Averageness explain, which words mean which feelings, has ever helped anyone do anything. I expect, it helped a lot of people to get comfortable and stop panicking, which is a state of mind we value in the animals we eat, but not something I want for myself. I’m not a cow! I’m a Pickle! When I feel like it. So, you asked…“
Wenn Rick mal schweigt
„My life has been a lie! God is dead! The government is lame! Thanksgiving is about killing Indians! Jesus’s birthday wasn’t on Christmas, they moved the date, it was a Pagan Holiday!“ (Morty Junior)“
„My people have another saying: Gubbanubnub Dooraka. It means: whatever lets you sleep at night.“ (Bird Person)
Summer: „Is that a real question?“
Jerry: „Just making conversation.“
Summer: „Are you? What part of that gives me anything to work with? My choices are to say nothing, be sarcastic or bark „Yes!“ like a trained animal. It’s not a conversation, you’re holding me verbally hostage.“
„Parents are just kids having kids.“ (Morty Smith)
„Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?“ (Morty Smith)
„‚Snuffles‘ was my slave name, you can call me ‚Snowball‘ because my fur is pretty and white.“ (Snuffles/Snowball)
Und falls Ihr nicht genug bekommen könnt…
Gibt es hier nochmal ein kleines Best of:
oh, geez.“ (Morty Smith)
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Bilder: adult swim
Sehr coole Zitate hast du da rausgesucht, die passen ähnlich wie bei den Simpsons, auch in einige Lebenssituationen :)
Ich mag am meisten folgendes Zitat „Parents are just kids having kids.“
Das freut mich, dass sie Dir gefallen ^_^
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