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Wunsch-Tode des Walking Dead-Casts

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2. September 2014, 18:48 Uhr
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Die Dramatik und Brisanz, die The Walking Dead ausmacht, ist in Comics wie in der Serie der Faktor, dass es wirklich jeden Charakter treffen kann. Ähnlich wie bei Game of Thrones kann man sich auch bei seinen Lieblingen nie sicher sein, ob sie die Serie, die Staffel oder gar die Folge bis zur nächsten Werbepause überleben. Diese Sterblichkeit mussten sich auch einige Darsteller des Hauptcasts stellen, als sie von Entertainment Weekly gefragt wurden, wie sie ihren Charakter am liebsten sterben sehen würden – wenn es schon sein muss.

SPOILER-Info: Natürlich wisst ihr durch die Auflistung unten, wer Staffel 4 alles überlebt habt. Dazu gibt es den einen oder anderen Bezug auf die Comicreihe, der diese spoilert (aber nicht zwangsläufig auch in der Serie so passieren muss).

„Maggie and Glenn are running through a forest, and there’s a horde behind them, and there’s nowhere else to go. It’s just a cliff at the end, and they hold hands and they jump off the cliff and they scream at the end, and they scream all the way down. And it freeze-frames with them, with their arms up in the air just going, ‚Waaaaaaaaaaaaait!'“

„Oh, wow. It would have to be something that’s never been done before. I think we’d have to come up with something incredibly memorable. I mean, I know I would want it to be heroic. Everybody wants to go out saving some lives. Sacrificing myself, you know, for the others would probably be the most compelling way to me. One of those, ‚Everybody go! Just go!‘ [Laughs] And if I didn’t do it, a lot of people would’ve died. So you know, something like that, I think.“

„I’ve always said, I don’t care how it goes, but maybe a kid should take me out. It’s funny, because I was in the car yesterday, and I texted Scott Gimple and I said, “Promise me, when I die, on the credits sequence, you play Johnny Cash’s version of ‘Hurt.’” And he just said, “I can’t make that promise obviously.” So when I die, please print it in your magazine so that the fans will know to play it, even if we can’t. Even if Scott Gimple decides not to, please everybody play ‚Hurt.'“

„Hard, just really, really hard. As with everyone, I know it’s coming. It is different than the comics, but at some point everyone dies on The Walking Dead. I would hope that his death would be befitting of his life and Abraham did everything hard. As they say in Spinal Tap, it goes to 11.“

„I think it has to be a really great story, which they always are on the show. I would want it to be something that exhibits her complexity but it also would have to be authentic to her. She’s just not going to go down without a pretty epic fight. That’s how I see Michonne. It’s not something she’s going to accept easily. I would want her to go down in an epic fashion. That’s what I want for her.“

„I would like to know that Carol is straight-up with the world. I would like to see her comfortable and confident in her thought process and her worldview, and her ability to do what she feels needs to be done to protect herself and her people, and straight-up enough to where whatever happened to her, she just went on a run and disappeared and never came back. It’s kind of like in real life — you want everybody to know where they are with you. I would like for her to not really have any last words, as though they’re not necessary because she made it clear. She made it clear along the way.“

„If I had my druthers on how I would go, I would just walk away. You would just see him walk down a road like Mad Max and I’d get smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller, and then a little dog would run on the road with me and just start following me off into the sunset, and you’d never know what happened to him. I would wanna go out like that. Just like, ‚You remember that dude? What happened to that dude?'“

„You know what, I really like what’s already been said [in the comic]. I think Robert Kirkman did a really amazing job with that. That’s hard to top. What a way to take out a character, and a character that’s been there for so long, by just snatching him away from the viewers and the readers. And it really shows the brutality that is the world that they live in. And I think if I were to go, that’d be a perfect way to go. My cousin actually, he read issue 99 and he’s like, ‚Dude, I think you might be dead. He’s too happy. Glenn seems too happy in [issue] 99.‘ And sure enough, 100 came out and I think Kirkman emailed me, or called me or messaged me. He was great about it. But you know, it didn’t affect me too much. I was more just like, “Dude, I can’t believe you took him out like that!” Like, that’s gnarly.“

Wenn die Lucille tatsächlich bringen, wäre das natürlich ganz großes Kino! Hier jedenfalls zum Abschluss noch ein kleiner Mini-Teaser zur am 12. Oktober startenden 5. Staffel:

Tease: Walkers Close on Tyreese: The Walking Dead: Season 5 Premiere

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