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Michael Scott als Geheimagent

The Office: Kompletter „Threat Level Midnight“-Film

12. Dezember 2019, 14:49 Uhr


Im August gab es noch einen Fan-gemachten Fake-Trailer zum „The Office“-„Mission: Impossible“-Verschnitt „Threat Level Midnight“ zu sehen, jetzt hat der offizielle YouTube-Kanal zur Serie einfach mal einen kompletten Filmzusammenschnitt dazu veröffentlicht. Okay, mit 25 Minuten ist das jetzt auch keinen Überlänge-Aufschlag im Kino wert, aber das ist immerhin rund zehn Mal so lang wie der Trailer vor einigen Wochen.

„After secret agent Michael Scarn (played by Scott) is forced into retirement due to the death of his wife Catherine Zeta-Scarn, the President of the United States of America (played by Darryl Philbin) requests that he prevent Goldenface (played by Jim Halpert) from blowing up the NHL All-Star Game and killing several hostages. Scarn goes undercover and learns how to play hockey, killing another hockey player (played by Oscar Martinez) to make it into the game, but after confronting Goldenface, he is shot. He later recuperates but learns that the President was in on it all along. Depressed, he goes to a bar to drown his sorrows. The patrons of the bar sing a song called „The Scarn“ which he danced to with his wife, which cheers Scarn up immensely. With his courage restored, Scarn is able to save the day and blow up Goldenface in the process.“

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