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Besetzung von Mutter, Barney und Co.

Unnützes Wissen und skurrile Fakten zu „How I Met Your Mother“

3. Oktober 2020, 14:24 Uhr


Einiges von dem, was OSSA Movies hier zusammenfasst, ist sicherlich bereits bekannt, andere Dinge waren mir dagegen neu. Zum Beispiel, dass ursprünglich ein anderer Darsteller-Typ für die Rolle des Barney Stinson angedacht war, und selbst beim finalen Casting wohl noch Leute wie Jim Parsons (yep, Sheldon aus „The Big Bang Theory“!) in Betracht gezogen worden waren. Skurril…

„Do you believe you know everything about How I Met Your Mother? Well, we don’t think so! How I Met Your Mother series still has quite a few secrets most fans have no idea about. Some of them explain How I Met Your Mother finale so many people didn’t like. Others tell more about How I Met Your Mother cast. For example, do you see other actors as Ted Mosby, Robin Scherbatsky, Barney Stinson, Lily Aldrin, and Marshall Eriksen? Most likely, you don’t, but most of them could be played by someone else! Even How I Met Your Mother Barney Stinson could be completely different! And the Tracy McConnell actress didn’t get her role flawlessly. But the reason she could fail her audition will undoubtedly surprise you! And… what about the infamous How I Met Your Mother pineapple incident?? Watch this video to see how it was solved! „

Noch nicht genug? Wir hätten da noch ganz viele Easter Eggs in „How I Met Your Mother“ sowie die besten Zitate der Comedy-Serie für euch!

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