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Unerfüllte Wunsch-Szenen

Was die „Parks & Rec“-Darsteller gerne gedreht hätten

20. Januar 2016, 11:23 Uhr


„Parks & Recreation“ ist beendet und doch nicht alle Wünsche erfüllt. Entertainment Weekly hatte zum Serien-Finale die Hauptdarsteller gefragt, welche Szene ihnen in den 125 Episoden für ihren Charakter gefehlt hat. Spoilert in so fern, dass ihr wisst, dass das in der Serie nicht vorkommt. Aber ehrlich – das ist ein Jahr her, das habt ihr doch alle mittlerweile gesehen, oder nicht?! Wäre ja erbärmlich wenn ihr noch in Staffel 4 hängt, wie ich…


„Andy might have been a good politician if he was representing a party who didn’t need someone to think on their own. I always pictured Andy running against Leslie and doing well by simply sticking to talking points, none of which he fully understands or believes in.“



„Ron in an old-timey boxing ring, fighting a local bruiser. It would be kind of an Ivan Drago, perhaps from Eagleton. He would be menacing and get his licks in, but Ron would somehow stoically avoid his punches enough and then with one haymaker, knock him out of the ring.“



„I thought it’d be fun to have an ex-girlfriend come visit. I pitched it to Mike [Schur, the show’s executive producer] but I stupidly pitched that she had control over me. He was very nice about it. He was like, ‘That’s nice, but it hews a little close to Ron and Tammy….’ And I was like, ‘Oh yeah. It’s Ron and Tammy.’ But I thought it could be funny for Leslie to get jealous. There’s a thing that all guys have that if you run into exes, you immediately just feel guilty. You feel like you’ve done something wrong even though it’s in the past and I think Ben is the kind of person that would spiral into this feeling of guilt and premeditated guilt in a sense, like guilt that doesn’t have to be there. I thought that could have been funny—he’s a pretty neurotic person.“


RETTA (Donna):

„Where I get to make out with Chris Pratt. I thought they’d do it as a dream sequence or something. But I wanted there to be a point where Donna made out with Andy Dwyer and Andy was like, ‘Damn, girl—now I get it!“


JIM O’HEIR (Jerry/Terry):

„Jerry with his family on vacation. God knows what ridiculousness goes on, what little rituals they have. There wouldn’t be a moment where they’re apart. The Gergiches would love a good water park, maybe a thimble museum.“



„Maybe an episode about Tom getting a motorcycle, and he just thinks he’s so cool, and then he immediately gets hurt. He probably would be checking his phone to order food or something on Seamless and then he hits a telephone pole.“



„It would have been nice to have one scene where we were in real cold outside in real snow. Or it would have been cool to do some kind of Bourne Identity scene where Leslie just out of nowhere sneaks up behind some guy and breaks his neck and it’s never explained.“



„A family party of April’s. You see my parents and you meet my sister but that’s all you get of my family. Because I’m half-Puerto Rican, I’ve always envisioned there could’ve been a really funny party scene with all of my Puerto Rican relatives being crazy… Just so many drunk Puerto Rican uncles and aunts and cousins salsa dancing, and then inviting Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson into that scene would be kind of amazing. Or April’s family meets Andy Dwyer for the first time and he’s salsa dancing with my family. She would be into it. The weird surprising thing would be that April loves it… But it’ll never happen because the show’s over and we’re all going to die.“


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