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Animierte "The Office"-Parodie

Musikvideo: Tom Rosenthal – „Jim and Dwight“

2. August 2020, 17:25 Uhr

Tom Rosenthal hat vor einer Weile bereits das zuckersüße Lied einer 4-Jährigen, „Dinosaurs in Love“, animiert und veröffentlicht, jetzt hat er wieder selbst getextet und gesungen und schenkt uns eine akustische Hommage an die beiden Zankköpfe aus der US-Adaption von „The Office“: „Jim and Dwight“.

„The Office“ (US) gibt’s bei:


You can take your Conell’s and your Marianne’s
Take your on and off lovers and their wayward plans
You can take your Trump and take your Pence
And every little love that makes perfect sense
Your love was an ever moving thread
You always kept us coming
That’s what she said!
You took pleasure in each others misery
But those pranks were a cover for a synergy
Oh the hugs were rare but they were true
And when I look at them I see a bit of me and you so
Try try try as we might I don’t think we’re that different from
Jim and Dwight
Jim and Dwight
You can take your Homers and take your Marge
Chuck in Holmes and Watson free of charge
Those sweet duos were always meant to be
But they never had your stunning complexity
You pushed each other right to the edge
But deep in there was a secret pledge
That you would always have each others backs
Like when Roy from the warehouse came to attack
You can’t love someone all the time
And the truly great loves they fit no design so
Try try try as we might I don’t think we’re that different from
Jim and Dwight
Jim and Dwight
Jim and Dwight
You can have your Hermione’s and your Ron’s
And all of those who needed magic wands
You can have your Rose and have your Jack
Who only started living when the iceberg cracked
You didn’t shout your love it lay underground
And in truth there was no love more profound so
Try try try as we might I don’t think we’re that different from
Jim and Dwight
Jim and Dwight
Jim and Dwight
Try try try as we might I don’t think we’re that different from
Jim and Dwight
Jim and Dwight
Jim and Dwight
Oh love is gold in all its forms
But if I had to choose I’d choose the one with storms

via: theawesomer



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